Audit and Governance Committee – internal governance arrangements

A-Z of regular meetings, forums, boards and decision-making groups

All the meetings listed below contribute to the council’s internal governance arrangements.

Adults' Ambition and Improvement Board 
A board that monitors the progress of Adults delivery plan to achieve savings and improve resident outcomes.
Chair: Chief Operating Officer

All staff Q&A sessions 
These online sessions are held every six weeks, usually online, to keep staff up to date with developments at the council.
Led by Chief Operating Officer And Chief HR and Business Support Officer.

CCNC Trade Union panel
A regular meeting between corporate services and the trade unions to discuss workforce issues.
Chair: Chief HR and Business Support Officer

Children's Ambition and Improvement Board
This board is to help Children's Education and Safeguarding teams to continue their journey to outstanding.
Chair: Chief Operating Officer

City Developments Board
This board is to manage regeneration, infrastructure and economic opportunities.
Chair: Chief Operating Officer 

Climate Change and Natural Capital Programme Board
This board is to deliver the Climate Change strategy actions.
Chair: Director of Transport, Environment and Development/Assistant Director Policy and Strategy

Core Service Performance Board
A board to monitor frontline services performance, with directors and relevant heads of service invited to discuss how they will improve performance or to celebrate good performance in core transactional services, such as waste, highways, housing repairs, or customer services.
Chair: Chief Operating Officer

Corporate Equalities Group
This group is designed to embed Equalities and Human Rights across the council and steer our Equalities Action Plan.
Chair: Chief Operating Officer

Corporate Governance Board
This board reviews decision reports prior to Executive, to ensure proposals align with the Council Plan and implications are understood.
Chairs: Director of Finance, and Director of Governance

Corporate Improvement Board
This board is to steer the council’s journey of continuous improvement, including the corporate improvement action plan, transformation and budget savings. 
Chair: Chief Operating Officer

Cost Control Panel
A panel to approve spend on recruitment and agency costs. 
Chair: Director of Finance

Cost of Living Officer Group
Officers meet regularly to prepare support for residents experiencing or at risk of experiencing increasing financial pressures.
Chair: Head of Customer, Resident and Exchequer Services

Council Leadership Group (CLG) 
This group is made up of CMT (see below), plus directors and assistant directors who do not directly report to the COO.
Led by: Chief Operating Officer

Council Management Team (CMT)
This group is made up of directors and corporate directors, the most senior managers in the council: Council Management Team – City of York Council
Led by: Chief Operating Officer

DCNC Trade Union Panel
A regular meeting between directorate management teams and the trade unions to discuss workforce issues.
Led by: relevant Director

Directorate Management Teams (DMT)
Each director arranges a Directorate Management Team meeting to share information and check workforce or financial issues.
Led by: relevant Director

Financial Inclusion Steering Group
This group is run with external partners and works closely with the Cost of Living Officer Group.
Chair: Director of Housing and Communities

Governance, Risk and Assurance Group (GRAG)
This group confirms and assures the council's operating processes are fit for purpose and complied with.
Chair: Director of Governance

ICT Board
This board assesses funding requests for new IT systems to ensure all implications are understood, implementation plans are in place and CYC's risks are minimised.
Chair: Head of ICT

Integrated Care Board (ICB) York Place Board
This board is an external partnership of council, health and care partners brought together to better integrate services.
Lead officer: Director of Public Health

Joint Commissioning Forum
This forum brings together Public Health, Adults, Children’s and the Integrated Care Board (known as the Place Partnership) to look at how we can better bring together health, community and care through jointly commissioned services.
Lead officer: Director of Public Health

Leading Together
A regular meeting of senior managers in the council held to share information and explore strategic issues.
Chief HR and ICT Officer

Procurement Challenge Board
A board to approve procurement with discussion about the appropriate processes to follow.
Chair: Director of Finance

Project Assurance Group
A group that makes sure projects follow the ‘all about project’ framework and invites projects to discuss progress as part of a gateway review process.
Chair: Head of Business Intelligence

Staff Networks
These groups, set up by staff to support specific groups of colleagues, offer the chance to share experiences and discuss concerns and challenges.

Systems Governance
This group meets regularly to progress systems change.
Chair: Head of Business Intelligence

Thematic partnership boards
These are different external partnerships which support the council, including Economic Partnership, Climate Commission and City Leaders.
More information: 
Outside bodies (

Trades Unions
Regular meetings between directorates and Trades Unions to share information and resolve issues.
Chair: Chief HR and ICT Officer

Web Governance
A meeting to discuss proposed new websites managed by the council.
Chair: Web Manager.